Santa Monica Pleasure Pier: A Look Back to 1917 from Today

This book and exhibit that ran at the Santa Monica History Museum 11/19 to 2/20, is a study of Charles I. D. Looff’s ‘1917 Prospectus Book’ and his Santa Monica Pleasure Pier.

A book of a book from the Stephen Raul Anaya Collection, a rare and mostly unseen look at the Santa Monica Pleasure Pier and its surroundings from 1917. Images were pulled from a rare ‘Prospectus Book’, created by its then owner, Mr. Looff (who built the first carousel) hoping to sell shares in his Santa Monica “Pleasure Pier.”

LA WEEKLY called it a “Culture Pick” in their review.

Here is the book on Amazon.


This is a dynamic video I made that juxtaposes the physical and cultural changes to the area around the Santa Monica Pier. The video was projected on a wall as part of the exhibit (and book) I created.


Mark Schulman | Branding, Positioning, Digital, UI, UX


All Is Possible | Exhibit Design, Branding